Monday, September 17, 2012

In Which I Make Up My Mind Firmly

It's been my experience that you can nearly always enjoy things if you make up your mind firmly that you will.” 
~L. M. Montgomery Anne of Green Gables.
Yes, it's another one of my "Anne" quotes.
     So much of the time I hear myself think "I don't enjoy that, so, I don't want to do it", and then I'm struck with the realization that it doesn't really matter that I don't enjoy it, because if I wanted to enjoy it, I could. As one of God's creations God has given humanity the capacity for learning, and one of the things we learn to do is enjoy (or love -- in this particular instance the words are mostly interchangeable) things that maybe wouldn't be our first choice . To not use that gift, is like getting a package from a good friend, and sending it back unopened, because we're afraid that what's inside might not be what we've wanting. What kind of gratitude does that show?
     Now, I'm not saying that we have to do everything that anyone asks us to do, it just means, that once you are committed to doing something, be it helping at a church function or writing a paper for school, we ought to commit our hearts to the activity as well, and in that way get the fullest out of every situation that God sends our direction.
     This is probably one of the most difficult aspects of my life, if I don't like something then I certainly don't want to even try, but that, I suppose, would be the entire point. So, I've decided to" make up my mind firmly" that this will be one of the things I put my heart into this school year (and for however long it takes me to learn it). Besides, life is boring without a little bit of challenge. Right?

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