Tuesday, January 15, 2013

King of the Mountain: A Satisfying Depiction

He sits there, on the portico, the summer wind blowing into his amber eyes, stimulating him to breathe in the beautiful scents that prevail upon his rather prominent nose. He is surveying his kingdom, this prince with the chocolate brown tones and soft expression of wisdom in his half-closed eyes. He watches the grass sway against the hills, and notices how lovely and supple are the birds that fly overhead. Then, distinctly, he hears a sound that makes the short hairs on the back of his neck stand shaft-for-shaft in excitement. Away in a thicket, at the far side of his personal gardens, stands a stag, tall and proud in his defiance of the young lord’s boundaries. In one leap the prince abandon’s his palace and races across a grassy hillock towards this intruder of his privacy. Ears flapping comically in the breeze of his action, yet stately in the defense of his country, this holder of land charges towards the stag, ready for an even victory.

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