Thursday, December 11, 2014

Not A Goodbye Note

To miss Adeline,
The most kindred of kindred spirits, a sister from the Tribe of Joseph if ever any one was, it has been delightful.

To call you "sweet" would be a gross oversight, because you are the very definition of the word "fabulous", in fact, I'm not entirely certain any such word was in existence until you walked into this world shining from the very roots of your hair. I don't need to wonder where you are now, because I know as an absolute certainty that you are in the very front of God's choir singing Christmas carols the very loudest of any angel around, your face lit with joy and projecting to the back of that cathedral like nobody's business. You are not wearing any old boring white robe, but a bright purple, sequined, puffed sleeved gown, you also don't need a halo because your face is framed by your hair and in your hair are a multitude of glittering sparkles that only the most heavenly of hairdressers could ever have styled. Yes, these things I am certain of.

As for us down here, aside from basking in the beauty of your song, we are doing our very best to keep every memory alive and well. Since the first day I met you, you have been both an inspiration and the greatest encouragement anyone could ever ask for. I yearn to be back in your classroom, discussing the frustrations of felt story-boards and the many joys of all things glittery and shiny. I remember the very first thing I ever made for you; it was a little paper house filled with a little tissue-paper family, most of them made out of the color purple. I remember that when I gave it to you, you were 100% genuinely pleased and that made me feel like the queen of miniature-making. It encouraged me to continue. I can honestly say that I would not be where I am, if it were not for you. The last time I saw you, you were as full as spunk as any sassy girl of eight, purple sparkles, purple suit, purple shoes. You greeted me the same as every week "My special girl! How has your week been?" you asked me, as you always do, if I've written a book yet, your candle-bright eyes keen to tease out my plot-line.

Throughout the years, you have taught me that the most lady-like thing in the world is to do the things you are gifted with as much as you possibly can and in the best way you possibly can, you have shown me that the height of sophistication is in being your absolute only self without apology, because no apology is needed, and most importantly you have taught me that God wants every thing we can give him without discrimination- he wants every doodle, every scribble, every silly tune that doesn't make any sense at all. In the entire time I've known you, I've never heard a cross word fall from your lips. When you walk into a room, your joyful spirit lights every little corner with grace and love. Everyone will always smile when they think of you because even when there is nothing in particular to smile about, that's exactly what you are doing.

I want you to know that every time I make things, I can't wait to tell you about them on Sunday mornings. I want you to know that, every time I wear purple I think of your incredible, fantastic, purple wardrobe. I want you t know that sparkles will forever be the most fashionable accessory a woman could ever wear. And I want you to know that I'm finishing my book. I didn't know it before, but you're in it, and you're my favorite character. I'm going to bind you a copy and you'll get it the next time I see you. Save a seat for me in the soprano section.

With all of my love,

Your girl,


  1. We will always treasure the gift of Adeline in our lives!

  2. Beautifully written. A true treasure.

  3. Oh Elaina, this is so touching. Thank you for sharing this, what a good way to remember her.
